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The Shack

W1YK operates from the fifth floor of Salisbury Laboratories. HF frequencies are covered by our two primary towers mounted on the roof. The 40 foot tower holds our 2 element 40 meter and 4 element 10 meter antennas while the 60 foot tower holds the 20 meter and 15 meter antennas. An inverted V dipole covers 80 and 160 meters. We also have a smaller 18 foot tower that has 2 meter and 70 centimeter yagis on it that we use for satellite operation.
W1YK operates a Yaesu FT-1000MP and FLEX-6300 SDR for HF. We have a Commander HF-2500 2kW linear amp and FLEX Power Genius XL 2kW solid state amp for HF. For satellite, we have an ICOM IC-910H. We also have an IC-706 MKII that we employ for mobile HF operation as well as local repeater use. Our HF rig also interfaces with a Rigblaster Pro and computer for PSK31 and RTTY.

Above, you can see the satellite station antenna tower in the center with our 15/20m and 10/40m off to the left and right of the image, as well as our 80-meter antenna in the lower-right corner.